Acta Med. 2004, 47: 119-123

Altered Intrahepatic Hematopoiesis in Neonates from Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension/Pre-Eclampsia

Demetrio Tamiolakisa, Ioannis Venizelosb, Maria Lambropoulouc, Anna Efthymiadouc, Vasiliki Arvanitidouc, Panagiotis Tsikourasd, Gerasimos Koutsougerase, George Chimonise, Demetrio Karamanidise, Sophia Barbagadakia, Sylva Nikolaidoua, Evagelia Seliniotakia, Panagiotis Boglouc, Nikolas Papadopoulosc

aGeneral Hospital of Chania, Department of Cytology, Greece
bIppokration Hospital of Salonica, Department of Pathology, Greece
cDemocritus University of Thrace, Department of Histology–Embryology, Greece
dDemocritus University of Thrace, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Greece
eGeneral Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Greece

Received January 1, 2004
Accepted March 1, 2004

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ISSN 1211-4286 (Print) ISSN 1805-9694 (Online)

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