Acta Med. 2000, 43: 69-73

Dose Dependent Biological Effects of Idarubicin in HL-60 Cells: Alterations of the Cell-Cycle and Apoptosis

Martina Marekováa, Jiřina Vávrováb, Doris Vokurkovác

aCharles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
bPurkyně Military Medical Academy, Hradec Králové, Institute of Radiobiology and Immunology, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
cUniversity Teaching Hospital in Hradec Králové, Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

Received February 1, 2000
Accepted March 1, 2000

TP-53 deficient cells of human leukaemia HL-60 die by massive apoptosis after treatment by high (50-100 nmol/l) doses of DNA damaging agent Idarubicin, regardless of the cell-cycle phase, in which they are affected. In contrary, after relatively low dose 10 nmol/l the cells die after cell-cycle arrest in G2 phase. The results show, that apoptosis induced by idarubicin could appear independently of the cell-cycle phase and that period in which apoptosis is observed is related to the dose of Idarubicin.


This work was supported by grants from the Czech Ministry of Defence (MO66020398129) and from Grant Agency of Charles University (GA UK 279/98) and in part by research project J13/98: 111500001.


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