Acta Med. 2022, 65: 1-7

The Development and Neurophysiological Assessment of Newborn Auditory Cognition: A Review of Findings and Their Application

Josef Urbaneca,b, Jan Kremláčeka,c, Kateřina Chládkovád,e, Sylva Skálováf

aDepartment of Pathological Physiology, Medical Faculty in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic
bPaediatrics Department, Havlíčkův Brod Hospital, Czech Republic
cDepartment of Medical Biophysics, Medical Faculty in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic
dInstitute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
eInstitute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
fPaediatrics Department of University Hospital in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic

Received February 9, 2021
Accepted January 14, 2022


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ISSN 1211-4286 (Print) ISSN 1805-9694 (Online)

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