Acta Med. 2021, 64: 145-152

A Comparison of the Neuroprotective and Reactivating Efficacy of a Novel Bispyridinium Oxime K870 with Commonly Used Pralidoxime and the Oxime HI-6 in Tabun-Poisoned Rats

Jiří Kassaa,*, Jana Hatlapatkováa, Jana Žďárová Karasováa, Vendula Hepnarováa, Filip Caisbergerb, Jaroslav Pejchala

aDepartment of Toxicology and Military Pharmacy, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defense, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
bNeurology, University Hospital Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

Received March 16, 2021
Accepted June 16, 2021


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ISSN 1211-4286 (Print) ISSN 1805-9694 (Online)

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