Acta Med. 2021, 64: 170-173

Chondroblastoma of the Temporal Bone: A Case Report and Literature Review

Katarína Obtulovičováa,*, Marián Sičáka, Adrian Kališb,c, Tomáš Budayd

aOtorinolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Clinic, the Central Military Hospital – Faculty Hospital, Ružomberok, Slovakia
bCatholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia
cInstitute of Pathology, the Central Military Hospital – Faculty Hospital, Ružomberok, Slovakia
dThe Jessenius Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Martin, Slovakia

Received May 28, 2020
Accepted January 30, 2021


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ISSN 1211-4286 (Print) ISSN 1805-9694 (Online)

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