Acta Med. 2018, 61: 158-161

Pharyngeal Papilloma: a Rare Non-Pulmonary Cause of Hemoptysis

Stamatis Katsenos, Melita Nikolopoulou

Department of Pneumonology, Army General Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece

Received March 19, 2018
Accepted November 25, 2018

The most common benign neoplasm of the pharynx is papilloma. It is characterized by bulging brittle lesions, which are pedicled or sessile, whitish-grey or pinkish colour. Progressive hoarseness is the main clinical feature. When the papillomata spread throughout the tracheobronchial tree symptoms such as chronic cough, stridor, dyspnea or acute respiratory distress are mostly present. Hemoptysis as a presenting symptom is exceptionally rare in patients with pharyngeal papillomatosis. Herein, we report a case of pharyngeal papillomatosis in which hemoptysis was the primary clinical manifestation. The clinical and therapeutic aspects of the disease are briefly discussed.


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