Acta Med. 2014, 57: 41-48


Jürgen Bereiter-Hahna, August Berndb, Heike Beschmannb, Irina Eberlea, Stefan Kippenbergerb, Maila Rossberga, Valentina Streckera, Nadja Zöllerb

aKinematic Cell Research Group, Institute for Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
bZentrum der Dermatologie und Venerologie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Egg-oil (Charismon©) is known for its beneficial action in wound healing and other skin irritancies and its antibacterial activity. The physiological basis for these actions has been investigated using cells in culture: HaCaT-cells (immortalized human keratinocytes), human endothelial cells in culture (HUVEC), peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes (PBML) and a full thickness human skin model (FTSM). Emphasis was on the influence of egg-oil on cell migration and IL-8 production in HaCaT cells, respiration, mitochondrial membrane potential, reactive oxygen (ROS) production and proliferation in HUVEC and HaCaT cells, cytokine and interleukin production in PBML and UV-light induced damage of FTSM. IL-8 production by HaCaT cells is stimulated by egg-oil whilst in phythemagglutinin-activated PBMLs production of the interleukins IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-γ and TFN-α is reduced. ROS-production after H2O2 stimulation first is enhanced but later on reduced. Respiration becomes activated due to partial uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and proliferation of HaCaT and HUVEC is reduced. Recovery of human epidermis cells in FTSM after UV-irradiation is strongly supported by egg-oil. These results support the view that egg-oil acts through reduction of inflammatory processes and ROS production. Both these processes are equally important in cellular aging as in healing of chronic wounds.


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