Acta Med. 2004, 47: 189-193

Vitamin A and β-Carotene Levels During Pregnancy in Gaziantep, Turkey

Iclal Merama, Ali Ihsan Bozkurtb, Sahin Kılıncera, Birgül Ozcirpicic, Servet Ozgurc

aGaziantep University, Medical Faculty, Department of Biochemistry, Gaziantep, Turkey
bPamukkale University, Medical Faculty, Department of Public Health, Denizli, Turkey
cGaziantep University, Medical Faculty, Department of Public Health, Gaziantep, Turkey

Received September 1, 2003
Accepted April 1, 2004

Vitamin A levels during pregnancy have important influences on the health of pregnant women and the growing fetus. Therefore, plasma vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations during pregnancy in Turkish women living in Gaziantep city were investigated in a prevalence study. Optimum sample size was determined as 252 for vitamin A deficiency and vitamin A and β-carotene levels were examined in 427 pregnant women aged 14–44 years. Vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations were measured spectrophotometrically by Neeld Pearson method. Vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations in pregnant women were found as 1.14 ± 0.44 μmol/L, and 1.80 ± 0.66 μmol/L, respectively. Plasma vitamin A concentrations were found in low levels (<1.05 μmol/L) in 45.5 % of pregnant women. Vitamin A deficiency (<0.7 μmol/L) was determined in 16.9% of pregnant women. A mild negative correlation was obtained between the vitamin A concentration and pregnancy period. Vitamin A levels of pregnant women were decreased significantly in the third trimester (p<0.05). The findings of present study suggest that vitamin A levels of pregnant women were poor in the region. Therefore, the intake of vitamin A with foods should be improved. Supplementation of vitamin A might benefit at improving maternal and child health especially in high-risk groups especially in developing countries. Monitoring vitamin A levels in pregnant women is very important for also determining low and high levels.


Gaziantep University Research Foundation supported this study.


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