Acta Med. 2004, 47: 157-162
Endothelins and Sarafotoxins: Peptides of Similar Structure and Different Function
Endothelins are endogenous vasoactive peptides that are considered among the most potent vasoconstrictor substances known. In addition to their vascular effects, endothelins and their receptors have been shown to be present in many organs and share plenty physiological and pathophysiological functions. Sarafotoxins are natural substances from the venom of snakes genus Atractaspis, structurally and pharmacologically near to endothelins. The current minireview focuses on the chemical and molecular aspects of endothelins and sarafotoxins, and their receptors in physiological and pathophysiological processes.
Endothelin, Sarafotoxin, Endothelin receptor, Biosynthesis, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Atractaspis engaddensis.
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