Acta Med. 2004, 47: 25-28
Morphofunctional Modification in Elderly Individuals Practicing Competitive Endurance Sport
Alessio Sulloa,b, Guglielmo Brizzi
b, Pasquale Cardinale
a, Bruno Fabbri
c, Nicola Maffulli
aOperative United of Rehabilitation and Care – “Lungodegenza Division” – ASL AV1, S. Nicola Baronia, Italy
bSecond University of Naples, Medical School, Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Physiology, Napoli, Italy
cSport Medicine Center CONI-FMSI – Padova, Italy
dKeele University School of Medicine, North Staffordshire Hospital, Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, England
Received August 1, 2003
Accepted October 1, 2003
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