Acta Med. 2001, 44: 33-35

Thyroid Function of Former Opioid Addicts on Naltrexone Treatment

Ioannis Iliasa, Ioannis Kakoulasa, Ioulia Christakopouloub, Kyriakos Katsadorosa

aKlimax - Support Foundation for the Socially Excluded, Athens, Greece
bSotiria Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Athens, Greece

Received August 1, 2000
Accepted January 1, 2001

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Khouzam Hani Raoul, Weiser Peter Michael, Gill Tirath, Raroque Roy: Thyroid hormones therapy: A review of their effects in the treatment of psychiatric and medical conditions. Compr Ther 2004, 30, 148. <>
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